Church App
Church App
Elvanto is strange word, but it is the name of the app that helps us to be a healthy church. If you are committed to Taringa Baptist as your church home, we want to help you experience our Church community.
Elvanto can help us to: worship the Lord, connect with others, serve with enthusiasm and opportunity to respond to needs.
To get started:
First you will need to get an access permission from one of the pastors. This is available to all members or committed attenders and will enable you to set your personal password and log into the Taringa Church site.
Second download the Elvanto App to your phone. This is downloaded FREE from the Apple App store or the Google Play store (Android). You can also log into the Elvanto website from a computer .
Third, you get to explore the app
- In Songs you can view the words of all our worship songs. So if you are humming away at home, you can revisit the words of any song that we sing at church. This is great for English learning.
- In Giving you can access online giving records (if you give through the church app) and have opportunity to give to further appeals.
- In the Church Directory you can see the photos of people at church. These are grouped in families which helps to learn new names and connect better with others. If you see an empty circle we still need a photo. See Pastor Roger or Hemant after a service.
- In Roster you can see your online serving roster. This also gives access to service runsheets and plans (if relevant). You can also respond to extra serving requests if other people are unavailable and caught out with work commitments. The Unavailability option allows you to enter your holiday periods or times you will be away. This helps the church staff when completing the rosters so that you don’t get rostered during these times.
- In Links you can see helpful websites and weblinks that help to access information online.
- In Needs you can see areas that a need has arisen in the church and have opportunity to respond.
Through these areas we have the opportunity to worship, give, connect, serve and love others which are all at the heart of church life.
Will you join us?